Working at Hill College requires you to keep up and be consistent with us.

Each role requires you to be consistent with us but some need you to be a little extra.

Hill College is always sending out notices, emails and new information, so you need to be able to keep with emails, daily notices and MyCollege news.

We try to keep all of our notices and information into emails where you can go back to retrieve and receive it quickly. Other instances, you can find information in the MyCollege Portal & Daily Notices.

Failing to keep consistent can resolve on you being ‘paused’ or fired. You will be noticed and get warnings when being down but without keeping up can make issues and have you with wrong information.

If you find yourself being away for short time (holidays, breaks, emergency's), you can report your leave in our Leave Application.

If you wish to find more information or have questions in consistency, email our headmasters.